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What this Strategic Path to Profitability will teach you ...
The 5 Essentials You Need to Understand Your Profitability!
The 4 Most Important Tips:
How the influences impact your margins and profits.
How economic characteristics can influence your strategy
How to position your company within the market
How to recognize trends so you can make better decisions.

About the Author
Rob Nickey has been facilitating business collaboration for over 30 years in the areas of finance and strategic planning within the banking, service and government contracting industries. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Susquehanna University and a MBA degree from Philadelphia University. In addition, he is ABD in the Doctor of Business Administration program at the University of Liverpool.
Also, he has over 15 years of academic experience teaching undergraduate and graduate students at several colleges and universities. He has taught courses in Corporate Finance, Business Policy, Strategic Analysis and Decision Making, Financial Management, Financial Statement Analysis, Cases in Financial Management and Investment Management.