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You May Be Wondering...
What is COSULTING Business Valuation ?
A 29 page Certified Business Valuation (CVB), which harnesses big data for the small business owner. Business value, using industry accepted valuation methods, Asset, Income and Market approaches. 13 different Key Performance Indicators (KPI) compared to industry peer averages Insurance report indicating levels of coverage for 8 different types of potential insurance needs.
98% of owners don't know the value of their business. Approximately 75% of a business owners personal net worth is tied to their business. 90% of business owners rely on the sale of the business for retirement. 75% to 80% of business owners never transfer or sell their business
Why a Business Valuation is SO Important
Better to understand your Business and its potential. Ensure the business and your family are protected Understand how to increase profitability Make informed decisions in less time Understand your business relative to the competition Evaluate and understand your business' strengths and weaknesses Develop and understand your Exit Strategy
Why You Need COSULTING Business Valuation